
Posts Tagged ‘healthy energy’

Do FRS Energy Drinks really work?

August 27, 2010 Leave a comment

Have you tried the FRS energy drinks promoted by Lance Armstrong? Have you even heard of them? Their advertising is all over yahoo and various pages on the web. Not that I need a famous face to sell me a product but Lance Armstrong does add tremendous credibility to the product. I think the whole marketing campaign of “Are you tired of being tired?” sold me because I was tired of being tired. Who wants to be tired anyway? Sadly we wake up wishing we could stay in bed all day. We take a shower and get dressed because we have to do it not because we want to do it.

So I ordered it, I mean I only had to pay $6.95 shipping and handling and it wasn’t such a tremendous risk. They didn’t even put me on those automatic bill plans, so I was willing to try it. What could I lose?

At the time I was living in a 3 bedroom, 1500 square foot apartment with my 13 year old boy and my 4 year old pug. Needless to say both of them are messy. Constantly picking up after them was getting me tired. As far as cleaning, I could never do the entire condo at once. It just was way too big for me alone. So I always had a tendency to break up my cleaning workload.

Well, just a few days later, I received my package. It was a typical Saturday. I had dropped my son off at a baseball game and was planning on watching a movie on the couch for a few. I was tired after a long week. Well I opened the box and saw they sent me Peach Mango flavored can, some lime flavored chewables, an orange concentrate bottle and some orange flavored ready to make powder drinks.

So I drank the Peach-mango can because that one was ready to drink and involved me doing nothing more than popping the can open. I feared the carbonated taste that I received from Red Bull. Don’t get me wrong Red Bull gives me energy, but I have to force myself to drink it or get in the mood to drink it.

Oh my goodness, the taste was far beyond what I was expecting. It was good, I mean really good. I mean really, really good. Yum. But then I thought, I’m not really one to spend an average of $2 a can for just a good drink. I’ll settle for the OJ or fruit drinks they sell at my grocery store. Does this stuff really work? Can it help me be more energetic? How long will it take to “kick in?” What was to come next was nothing I would have ever expected.

People laugh at me every time I tell them this story, but it’s so true.

Guys, I went and picked up a shampoo cleaner at the store, which in itself is a mission. And I actually shampooed my rugs. But wait, not just some of my rugs, I did all 1500 square feet of my condo in one day, twice. I even had the energy to clean both my bathrooms top to bottom, 2 loads of laundry and mop my kitchen.

I tried the product because I love things that are good for you. It’s an entire Free Radical System loaded with vitamins and good stuff. It supports your immune system, well I’m all for that, and being backed by Lance Armstrong and many other top rated fitness athletes helped me to believe it.  And there is absolutely no ‘crashing’ feeling.

I would tell you about the Quercetin that in contains, Quercetin is found in fruits and veggies and is a natural antioxidant, but telling you that it’s found in fruits and veggies should tell it all. I love anything healthy. It’s good for you and that’s pretty much the bottom line. An energy drink that fights Free radicals, contains many of the B vitamins and Quercetin, an antioxidant found in fruits and veggies, and only cost me $6.95 to try, well, that should all speak for itself. If you are looking for something new, something real, something that really works. You must try FRS healthy energy drinks. They still offer their Free trials and you can get it at

There is a science behind their product, a science that absolutely works. If you are looking to change your life, FRS will help. Get out of your slump, get your energy back and start living your life to the fullest. You have these dreams you want to accomplish, these goals. You think about them often, but time goes by and days go by and then years and maybe you’ll get to accomplish them next year. Well, you are the co-creator of your destiny and if you don’t take action today, you’ll miss today. Your competition is going to get there first. Stop letting time go by and stop letting years go by and start taking action now. So if you can’t find the energy in your day, try FRS. Your mind will be sharp, your body will have the energy and you can set out to do all that you know you have to do. Today is going to pass by, and so is tomorrow and before you know it, you’re dead. Life is only what you make of it and starting to get your mind and body back on track can be the best investment of your life and it only starts with $6.95. Do you have $6.95 to invest in yourself and in your future? I think if you want to do what you want in life, you have to make the conscience effort and take the steps to get yourself there. You know what you lack, it’s what most of us lack and the answer is “healthy energy.” Try it, and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.

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